School Name

A school classroom.

A ton of schools these days have been named after historical figures that may not have always led the perfect life… and now people rebel against their kids school that’s named after them.

We think a small Missouri town has found the answer to naming schools!

This school in Missouri decided to name their school after their beloved, long time custodian! The school said their custodian of more than 30 years has left such a mark on the school, it should bear her name. So welcome the newest school name, “Claudene Wilson”!

Administrators from the school said, “She has the ability to make an impact on so many lives. Her unfailing care made her the natural choice for the honor. It’s nothing short of extraordinary, selfless service. She’s the lifeblood of the school, she’s the backbone of it!”

And she holds the unheralded position of custodian.

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